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  • 所  在  系:出版科学系
  • 邮       箱:hanzheng@whu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址:英国上市公司官网365614办公室
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郑汉,男,英国上市公司官网365副教授、硕士生导师,2022年毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,获得信息学博士学位。研究方向包括健康信息学、人智交互与数字出版,具体研究聚焦于数字技术如何改变用户的信息行为模式以及促进心理动机的形成机制等。近年来,发表或录用学术论文53篇,其中SCI/SSCI期刊论文35篇(第一作者或通讯作者27篇),包括《Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology》、《Computers in Human Behavior》、《Telematics and Informatics》、《Internet Research》、《Information Processing & Management》等图书情报与信息资源管理领域的国际知名期刊。在Google Scholar总被引1122次,H-Index为17。在国际信息科学与技术协会年会(ASIS&T)、亚太数字图书馆国际会议(ICADL)、国际传播学学会年会(ICA)等国际会议上多次作口头报告。担任《Frontiers in Psychology》副主编、《出版科学》责任编辑、《Data and Information Management》营销编辑,以及30余本SCI/SSCI期刊的审稿专家;曾担任国际会议ASIS&T 2021主席助理。入选2024年全球前2%顶尖科学家、2023年“武汉英才优秀青年”计划。






[1] Ou, M., Zheng, H.*, Zeng, Y., & Hansen, P. (2024). Trust it or not: Understanding users’ motivations and strategies for assessing the credibility of AI-generated information. New Media and Society (SSCI Q1, 4.5), 1-23.

[2] Zheng, H., Zhao, L., Luo, C., Fu, S., Chen, X., & Liang, S.* (2024). Understanding user engagement in mobile health applications from a privacy management perspective. Health Promotion International (SSCI Q2, IF: 2.3), 39(4), daae103.

[3] Chen, X., Wang, C., & Zheng, H.* (2024). Turning livestreaming viewers into game players: Exploring the impact of game streamers on viewer video game engagement based on an extended means-end chain framework. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (SSCI Q1, IF: 3.4). 1–15.

[4] Zheng, H., Wang, X., Luo, C.*, & Zeng, Y. (2024). Skip the Checking Step: Investigating the Pathways from Online Health Information Scanning to Unverified Health Information Sharing. Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI Q1, IF: 9, 实验心理学领域2023JCR排序3/99), 158, 108279.

[5] Lee, E. W. J., Zheng, H.*, Goh, D. H.-L., Lee, C. S., & Theng, Y.-L. (2024). Examining COVID-19 Tweet Diffusion Using an Integrated Social Amplification and Risk and Issue-Attention Cycle Framework. Health Communication (SSCI Q1, IF: 3), 39(3), 493–506.

[6] Zheng, H.*, & Pee, L. G. (2024). Research Knowledge Utilization for Societal Impact: Information Practices Based on Abductive Topic Modelling. Journal of Information Science (SCI/SSCI Q2, IF: 1.8), 50(1), 129–144.

[7] Zheng, H., Wang, X.*, & Huang, Y. H. C. (2023). Fake news in a time of plague: Exploring individuals’ online information management in the COVID-19 era. Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI Q1, IF: 9, 实验心理学领域2023JCR排序3/99), 146, 107790.

[8] Zheng, H., Chen, X., Jiang, S., & Sun, L.* (2023). How does health information seeking from different online sources trigger cyberchondria? The roles of online information overload and information trust. Information Processing and Management (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF: 7.4, 图书馆与信息科学领域2023JCR排序7/160), 60(4), 103364.

[9] Wang, X., Zheng, H., & Huang, Y. H. C.* (2023). Examining the Pathways from Information Acquisition to Preventive Behaviors: A Model of Information Response. Science Communication (SSCI Q1, IF: 4.6, 传播学领域2023JCR排序13/227), 45(6), 724–750.

[10] Qian, Y., Ni, Z., Zheng, H.*, Liu, Z., & Ma, F.* (2023). Factors influencing users’ post replying behavior in a senior online community: An empirical investigation. Telematics and Informatics (SSCI Q1, IF: 7.6, 图书馆与信息科学领域2023JCR排序6/160), 77, 101926.

[11] Ou, M., Zheng, H.*, Kim, H. K., & Chen, X. (2023). A Meta-Analysis of Social Media Fatigue: Drivers and a Major Consequence. Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI Q1, IF: 9, 实验心理学领域2023JCR排序3/99), 140, 107597.

[12] Zheng, H.*, Kim, H. K., Sin, S.-C. J., & Theng, Y.-L. (2022). Exploring the developmental trajectory of cyberchondria over time: A three-wave panel study. Telematics and Informatics (SSCI Q1, IF: 7.6, 图书馆与信息科学领域2023JCR排序6/160), 75, 101892.

[13] Zheng, H., & Jiang, S.* (2022). Linking the pathway from exposure to online vaccine information to cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic: A moderated mediation model. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (SSCI Q1, IF: 4.2, 社会心理学领域2023JCR排序7/76), 25(10), 625–633.

[14] Zheng, H., & Jiang, S.* (2022). Frequent and diverse use of electronic health records: A trend analysis of national surveys. Digital Health (SCI/SSCI Q2, IF: 2.9), 8, 1–12.

[15] Zheng, H., Jiang, S.*, & Rosenthal, S. (2022). Linking Online Vaccine Information Seeking to Vaccination Intention in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Science Communication (SSCI Q1, IF: 4.6, 传播学领域2023JCR排序13/227), 44(3), 320–346.

[16] Zheng, H.*, Goh, D. H.-L., Lee, E. W. J., Lee, C. S., & Theng, Y.-L. (2022). Understanding the effects of message cues on COVID-19 information sharing on Twitter. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF: 2.8, FMS A), 73(6), 847–862.

[17] Zheng, H., Jiang, S.*, & Wu, Q. (2022). Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccination intention: The roles of vaccine knowledge, vaccine risk perception, and doctor-patient communication. Patient Education and Counseling (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF: 2.9), 105(2), 277–283.

[18] Li, J., & Zheng, H.* (2022). Online Information Seeking and Disease Prevention Intent During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (SSCI Q1, IF: 3.4), 99(1), 69–88.

[19] Zheng, H.*, & Tandoc Jr, E. C. (2022). Calling Dr. Internet: Analyzing News Coverage of Cyberchondria. Journalism Practice (SSCI Q2, IF: 2.2), 16(5), 1001–1017.

[20] Zheng, H.*, & Ling, R. (2021). Drivers of Social Media Fatigue: A Systematic Review. Telematics and Informatics (SSCI Q1, IF: 7.6, 图书馆与信息科学领域2023JCR排序6/160), 64, 101696.

[21] Zheng, H., Pee, L. G., & Zhang, D.* (2021). Societal Impact of Research: A Text Mining Study of Impact Types. Scientometrics (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF: 3.5), 126, 7397–7417.

[22] Zheng, H.*, Kim, H. K., Sin, S.-C. J., & Theng, Y.-L. (2021). A Theoretical Model of Cyberchondria Development: Antecedents and Intermediate Processes. Telematics and Informatics (SSCI Q1, IF: 7.6, 图书馆与信息科学领域2023JCR排序6/160), 63, 101659.

[23] Zheng, H.*, Sin, S.-C. J., Kim, H. K., & Theng, Y.-L. (2021). Cyberchondria: A Systematic Review. Internet Research (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF: 5.9), 31(2), 677–698.

[24] Li, J., Zheng, H.*, Duan, X. (2021). Factors Influencing the Popularity of a Health-Related Answer on a Chinese Question-and-Answer Website: Case Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research (SCI Q1, IF: 5.8), 23(9), e29885.

[25] Zheng, H., Li, J.*, Salmon, C. T., & Theng, Y.-L. (2020). The Effects of Exergames on Emotional Well-Being of Older Adults. Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI Q1, IF: 9, 实验心理学领域2023JCR排序3/99), 110, 106383.

[26] Li, J., & Zheng, H.* (2020). Coverage of HPV-Related Information on Chinese Social Media: A Content Analysis of Articles in Zhihu. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics (SCI Q2, IF: 4.1), 16(10), 2548–2554.

[27] Zheng, H.*, Aung, H. H., Erdt, M., Peng, T.-Q., Sesagiri Raamkumar, A., & Theng, Y.-L. (2019). Social media presence of scholarly journals. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF: 2.8, FMS A), 70(3), 256–270.

[28] Aung, H. H., Zheng, H.*, Erdt, M., Aw, A. S., Sin, S.-C. J., & Theng, Y.-L. (2019). Investigating familiarity and usage of traditional metrics and altmetrics. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF: 2.8, FMS A), 70(8), 872–887.

[29] 郑汉,肖谦,丁毅,.出版从业人员对生成式人工智能技术的认知与使用现状调查[J].中国编辑,2024,(10):36-47.

[30] 曾粤亮,郑汉,杨思洛.人文科学研究成果的社会影响探析[J].情报学报,2023,42(7):842-856.


· 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,人工智能情境下网络疑病症的测度、演化及对策研究,在研,主持

· 2024年英国上市公司官网365专业学位特色课程建设校企共建课程项目,出版企业经营与管理,在研,主持

· 2024年度人机结合数字出版智能编校联合实验室招标课题,数字出版智能编校应用效果评价研究(SAYB2404),在研,主持

· 国家新闻出版署智库项目,AIGC出版业应用现状与风险应对研究,在研,主持

· 英国上市公司官网365公司产品改革建设项目互联网时代健康传播学课程体系设计与创新(主持)

· 英国上市公司官网365文化遗产智能计算教育部哲学社会科学实验室自主科研项目以游戏作为媒介:文化遗产的传播新形态(主持)

· 国家社会科学基金重大项目,促进数字经济与实体经济深度融合研究,在研,参与

· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,多源数据融合视角下技术会聚的形成机制与预测评估研究(72374162),在研,参与

· 国家社科基金青年项目生态系统理论视角下跨学科科研合作运行机理与保障策略研究”(参与)

· 国家社科基金青年项目健康中国战略下老年群体虚假信息扩散的风险评估与算法治理研究(参与)

****** 招收硕士生 & 有科研热情的本科生。符合以下条件的同学,欢迎通过邮件与我联系 ******

· 身心健康、诚信朴实、尊敬师长、勤奋上进;

· 对信息行为方向前沿研究问题感兴趣(例如人智交互、科学传播、数字出版);

· 具备扎实的学科基础知识和一定的学科素养,信息检索能力较强;

· 具备良好的英语阅读、书写和表达能力;

· 具备较强的逻辑思维能力,能够自我激励,积极主动地探索和交流,行动力强,效率高。

人才项目 邮箱 hanzheng@whu.edu.cn
办公地址 英国上市公司官网365614办公室 所在系 出版科学系
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