Supervised by: Ministry of Culture of PRC

Sponsored by:National Library of China
  Library Society of China

ISSN 1001-8867    CN 11-2746/G2

Chinese E-Romance: Analyzing and Visualizing 7.92 Million Alibaba Valentine’s Day Purchases

Abstract: The days that precede Valentines Day are characterized by extensive gift shopping activities all across the globe. In China, where much shopping takes place online, there has been an explosive growth in e-commerce sales during Valentines Day over the recent years. This exploratory study investigates the extent to which each product category and each shopper group can exhibit romantic love within Chinas e-market throughout the 2 weeks leading up to 2019 Valentines Day. Massive data from Alibaba, the biggest e-commerce retailer worldwide, are utilized to formulate an innovative romance index (RI) to quantitatively measure e-romantic values for products and shoppers. On this basis, millions of shoppers, along with their millions of products purchased around Valentines Day, are analyzed as a case study to demonstrate their love consumption and romantic gift-giving. The results of the analysis are then illustrated to help understand Chinese e-romance based on the perspectives of different product categories and shopper groups. This empirical information visualization also contributes to improving the segmentation, targeting, and positioning of Chinas e-market for Valentines Day.

Keywords: Valentine’s Day, love consumption, romantic gift-giving, Alibaba, e-romance, e-commerce